Cognitive Development Hub

[To effectively serve] customers, machines must have interactive and cognitive capabilities. The journey that started with simple interactive chatbots has been evolving to include deep learning and cognitive models to improve comprehension of user needs, type, personality, and tone of speech towards building cognitive intelligence.
The Cognitive Development Hub, part of the Centre for Advanced Computing (CAC) at Queen’s University, is a professional software design and development lab for data analytics and cognitive computing applications. It serves as a collaborative resource for cognitive and data-intensive research and application development for Queen’s University, other Ontario universities through its affiliation with the Southern Ontario Smart Computing Innovation Platform (SOSCIP), and Canadian companies.
The Hub provides both technical and development support for projects involving natural language processing, machine learning, data analytics, text analysis and image analysis. Hub members have expertise in a variety of packages and software platforms including IBM Watson, R, SPSS, IBM Bluemix, Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark.